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  • Writer's pictureMT Penny


Hello Hatters,

Music has many terms for which I probably know about 40% of them. I’m years out of practice for the likes of Beethoven and Mozart. This blue heart chose modern worship music to play today, this Christmas Day. Even in the playing of my out of tune piano, I can relate to its current state. I’m out of pitch and out of sorts compared to the expectations I had for today.

Who could have predicted that I would be unable to spend Christmas time with family or friends. No one! (no humankind, that is!) Circumstances create the need for isolation for health’s sake. What a bummer!

The art of playing arpeggios this morning helped me express my fractured emotions. An arpeggio Is a type of broken chord, in which the notes that compose a chord are played in a rising or descending order, up and/or down an instrument. I was inspired by a worship song that had repeated arpeggios. I just took off in an improv session of minor chords up and down the piano. It was quite beautiful, even if I do say do myself. I threw in a few major chords as I tried to get in a better frame of mind.

Earlier, as I read in Luke and Matthew, I notice the importance of messengers, praises, and dreams. In their journeys together, Joseph and Mary had their own versions of arpeggios. There were many hardships, for which I can’t even imagine. They also experienced many wonders beyond their comprehension and mine. Their whole world, much like ours today, was in a state of chaos. Yet, they accepted their mission to care for the Messiah, The Immanuel. There are many lessons in the Word for me today and always. I have to look and take time to apply what I study. Just like my piano needs tuning, I need a tweak in my focus and posture.

Our lives operate is a series of ups, downs, and a whole lot of in between. The musical arpeggios skip notes, like the in between stages of life. We rattled along in our busy lives in patterns and rhythms. I have to wonder, what are we missing? What skips my attention? Then I get all serious and want to punctuate myself back into a happier state of mind. Where’s a staccato when you need one! For those of you who need a definition, a staccato is a note played short, choppy, with a crispy, snappy feel.

As you celebrate by yourself or with others, I pray your arpeggios are sweet and the staccatos are salty. As a writer who wears many hats just like you, may your minutes and hours be filled with beauty and spark. When the moments aren’t what you anticipated, hang around a little longer. Time changes things. I may feel lonely, but I know, I’m not alone, ever! The Creator of all arpeggios, staccatos and all good things knows what’s up. I’m in His hands.

Merry Christmas.

MT Penny

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