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  • Writer's pictureMT Penny

Bake a Cake

Updated: Oct 17, 2021

Hello Hatters,

While I was on vacation last week, I went with a friend to a bird sanctuary. There were many photographers on the lower area, so I stayed out of the way, up on the top deck. I took a few pictures and videos with my phone. I was able to get some beautiful shots of different birds that I've never seen before.

One photographer came up on the deck where I was standing, and along with him was this huge camera with a really big lens. The equipment was about two feet long. I asked him if he was a professional photographer and he said no. He liked the sanctuary as a means of relaxing from the hustle and bustle of city life.

We struck up a conversation and then I felt comfortable to tell him that it was my first trip away without my Country Hubby. He asked me how recently he had passed and I told him In December. He sighed heavily and replied, “Oh, you're in the first year; that's the hardest part.” It was like he knew the difficulty of this path. Then he admitted, “I became a widower eight years ago; everything was hard, especially that first year.” I gave him my condolences and asked him what happened. He told me his story of unexpected cancer, treatments, and the death of his wife of 25 years. “She was too young,” he said sadly.

He shared that the greatest kindness he received were invitations to take a walk four times a week by one special friend. He also went to different grief groups and it helped him processed many triggers. Yet to this very day, he said he can’t stand to hear a helicopter’s sound. It sends him back “there” to the beginning of the end of his wife’s journey.

He perked up and said with a smile, “I’d like to offer you a bit of advice. If you get invited to go somewhere, GO! Go bake a cake, go play cards, go for a walk. Don’t close yourself off! Life changes, but you’ll find new ways to spend your time and energy.”

He seemed so young and I asked him why he never remarried. Actually, two years ago, he did. It took him a while to realize that he was willing to risk his heart again. It takes time to heal.

I thanked him for his advice and that I didn't think that our meeting was an accident. I believed that the Lord brought me different experiences and I appreciated his encouragement. I told him about my blog and that I would share his words of wisdom.

Many of us are in hard times. I’ve witnessed another tale of a person who made it through the hardest part of grief. He will never forget, but he did continue to move. Thanks to my latest acquaintance and his RICH blessing to share his story with a complete stranger, me.

As I left, I whispered a prayer of thanksgiving for this encounter. God is good to bring me messages, and I’m glad to share them with you.

Want to bake a cake?

MT Penny

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