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  • Writer's pictureMT Penny


Yesterday’s events at our nation’s capital left me avoiding the news feed today. I flipped through the channels, and came upon the movie, Apollo 13, with Tom Hanks and some of my other favorite actors. I stayed on the channel, Nick. I suffered through the silly commercials except one, Rice Krispies. I smiled at the elves new look and their unmistakable and infectious joy. It took me back.

My dad was involved in the space program, so the nostalgia of watching known events gave me comfort. The problem of late is that I can’t always stay awake to the end. True to form, my weariness took over, and I went to sleep right after those famous words, “Houston, we have a problem!” I woke up in time to watch the re-entry of the 3 astronauts, who only by a miracle of God’s Grace were able to splashdown. They were home to a grateful world, but especially to their families and their friends.

Then, I wept as I was touched by the message that Country Hubby was home, too. His homecoming wasn’t in a splashdown but it was through a life well lived, his endurance through the hardship of illness, and his love for me and the family and friends. He returned home to our God, other family members, all the saints, and the angels. He was gifted a beautiful homecoming. I can only imagine (thanks to Mercy Me for the phrase that touched a lot of people, including me).

The depth of our love as a couple, is my tremendous gift for which I cherish and I give thanks. His understanding of me and his acceptance of my many emotions is a treasure for all time. Oh I miss him. I know he is well and whole. Knowledge of his completeness helped me today as I picked up his remains. He is not here. He is fulfilled and I must carry on.

I had a chimney sweep service my fireplace today, for I long to watch a fire and think of memories long past. I’m grateful for the messages and signs given to me through things like movies. Tonight it was Apollo 13 and their homecoming. My Country Hubby is home. I repeat to myself, he is home. I write as one who wears many hat just like you and I remain here in our home, and that’s ok. My work is not yet completed. I have been blessed to keep loving, working, writing, and remembering. We all have a mission and a very special plan, if we will yield to it. May I fulfill mine, as I hope you will fulfill yours. Take care, friends.


MT Penny

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