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  • Writer's pictureMT Penny

Is it Soft?

Hello Hatters,

Do you like things that are soft? There are so many things that come to mind as I consider this question. At first, I listed cotton balls, feathers, rose pedals, poodles, satin ribbon, fuzzy blankets, and my pajamas. The situation that prompted this question was a late night plop into bed. It was the wee hours of the morning, as it is still painful to climb into my big king size bed without Country Hubby. I reached over to touch his pillow case that I bought during his time of hospice. I got the best quality sheet set I could find for his twin hospital bed. To this day, it is a bittersweet ritual to reach out and touch it before sleep.

I’ve felt that pillow case a hundred times as I say goodnight in my mind, whisper some prayers, and then stretch out my tired body. That particular night I was amazed to be so aware of the pillow case; it was the softest thing I have felt in a long while. Wow, I thought to myself. I never realized the comfort of this softness. I thought about Country Hubby’s presence in heaven. I paused and considered the image and this phrase came to my soul, “Heaven is soft...”

I am blessed by the little things that bring me heaven on earth. In my faith walk, I don’t have to wait to be content. By God’s grace, I am gifted His peace in the middle of the struggles, in the midst of hard work, in the sharing of laughter and tears with family and friends. Country Hubby had a birthday this week, but maybe time isn’t measured in heaven. We celebrated for him with memories, crafts, and food. Our hearts are soft in the togetherness.

When I consider other important areas of softness, I think about the words we speak and the actions we take. Are we careful to be soft with our words and actions? As a writer who wears many hats just like you, I know that there is a time for assertiveness. I know that difficult conversations are needed. However, when a course correction is needed, I prefer gentleness, encouragement, engagement, honesty, and understanding. It is a matter of respect. In my perception, there’s a softness to respect. If that seems unrealistic, excuse me while I keep my rose colored glasses on a little longer.

I’ve felt the strength of hard working hands turn soft to wipe away tears. I know the kindness of a cold cloth on a burning head of fever. I’ve seen Jesus in my family and friends during the time of my greatest heartache.

….. There is softness in Country Hubby’s pillow case, a softness that I want to carry with me and in me.

MT Penny

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