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  • Writer's pictureMT Penny

The Wind

Hello Hatters,

I’ve done some more solo traveling, but this time for work. Much of the time behind the wheel, I found myself in a hyper state of alertness. The adrenaline was pumping. I didn’t need coffee to keep me awake. Tailgaters irritated me. Trucks were weaving. Lanes were narrow. I’m not accustomed to driving on country roads with periodic passing lanes. I was raised in a big city with lots of freeways. My adult years have been spent driving in residential areas or highways.

On the last part of my journey, I felt a calmness as I drove familiar roads. I let the windows down to celebrate. I felt the wind in my hair and though the temperature was hot, I didn’t care. The stress gave way to the anticipation of arriving home.

Then, I remembered when Country Hubby and I took a beautiful trip to Maui. We drove everywhere with the windows down. There was a richness in the air and in the landscape. It was indescribable and it was one of my favorite trips. After that July vacation, I kept driving back and forth to work with the windows down. I still had Maui with me. About two weeks later, I thought, “Wow! It’s hot today!” I was sad. The Maui magic was gone. I rolled up the windows and turned on the air conditioner.

Whenever I get a chance, I will roll down my car windows to remember a time at the beach or a time on a mountain cliff where the wind blew through my hair. It symbolizes carefree moments for me. There’s a simplicity in those marks of time as though the worries of the world can be placed on hold like a phone call.

In my faith walk, the wind reminds me of God’s breath and His divine presence. I know He is always with me, but as a needy human, I love fresh expressions of His goodness and His mercy. As a writer who wears many hats just like you, I wish for an awareness of God’s artistry that surrounds me.

I know I miss a lot if I’m hyper focused on circumstances, like this last work trip. I was traveling behind a slow driver on a two lane road full of green pastures on both sides. I was tense. My faithful God reminded me to relax. I started to breathe deep and realize I was missing out on all of the things around me. What about the cattle, the barns, or round bales of hay? There were crazy vines running amuck near the creeks with unique names like Brushy, Willow, and Cedar. Rusty silos peaked my interest because as a city chick, I don’t really understand their purpose. Country Hubby would have known.

The vines weren’t the only things running amuck as I traveled those farm roads. My mind wondered whether rust invaded the insides of those silos and why do cows congregate? It was a welcome break to slow down and observe. I should have rolled down my windows in the middle of my trip, not just at the end. Wind in my hair makes my heart happy.

This morning, I was listening to my worship songs as I drove to work. The lyrics mentioned the Light of God. At the red traffic light, I looked up to see the clouds revealing awesome streams of light beams. I busted out with joyful laughter. “Yes, God! I see it!” Can I stay thankful for the messages given? Will praise fill my life for the Maker of the heavens and the earth? I pray my answer to be YES! In my frailty of forgetfulness, I trust that the Devine will breathe on me again so that I remember.

For my added delight, I need to roll down my car windows for the wind. MT Penny

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