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  • Writer's pictureMT Penny

The Long Play

Hello Hatters,

I was blessed with some concert tickets this last week. The band was really good but they were not the original artists. Likely, the original singers and instrumentalists are of a vintage age like me, and not up for high heels and encores. That concert prompted the purchase of a record player. I knew I had some old vinyl records somewhere. It didn’t take much of a search to locate them and go down memory lane. Wow! I was a different person when I bought those albums.

Some of you may know that the LP in record terms means “long play” or a full length album. In my younger years, I didn’t display much patience or staying power. I was more like a 45 record. One song and I was outta there. As life went on, the benefits of fortitude and perseverance gained traction, so commitments became lifelong paths. Credibility grew and so did wisdoms.

I especially embraced the long term as I married Country Hubby. His maturity helped me grow so much. He grounded me with his steadfastness. The long play became who I was and am. Even in my current job, I’ve been with my employer for 36 years. Some of my team members are not even 30 years old yet and it is really impossible for them to grasp that kind of tenure. As I have measured out this long play theme of my life, I know it is time for a change in my daily routine.

The loss of my Country Hubby and my desire to pursue other paths brings me to the decision of retirement. I prayed much about the yes or the not yet. It was as if I was waiting for a hand written answer in the sky. About six months ago, I knew the time was closing in on this decision. Then three months later, I woke up with the peace in my gut to say yes to a new path.

It wasn’t so much of a yes to “what” as it was a yes to the “how.” I experienced a peaceful understanding.

I realized that it’s most importantly how I live and how I honor my Lord; that’s what matters! I’m thankful to have His purpose and be at peace with Him for the path ahead. An acquaintance asked me today about what I‘m going to do first in retirement. My immediate answer was rest. I’m going to rest!

I’ve been on the “go” and/or working since I was 14 years old. It’s about time for an LP album of mellow music to chill out and decompress. By God’s grace and mercy, I’ll get going again and engage in another LP album when the Lord prompts me. Listening will be key, just like in my younger days of record players and LPs, only this time, the song will be more than “Time in a Bottle” by Jim Croce. It’ll be a melody and tempo of God’s timing and for His glory. Amen.

MT Penny

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