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  • Writer's pictureMT Penny

The Mending

Hello Hatters,

I bought some flared blue jeans the other day. As I tried them on, I noticed that the length was about 2 inches longer than necessary.  The hem needed adjusting.  I kept this task in the forefront of my to do list.

This morning, I gathered my sewing items: pinking shears, needle, and thread.  As I sewed, the word mend came to my mind.  With each stitch, I considered the mending that’s happening in my own life.

I’m not that great at sewing, but I get the job done.  Something about the way I was stitching made the thread tangle, and I had to work through the new knot to save the seam. To my surprise, this mess happened three times.  I didn’t get rattled. I didn’t get impatient.  I slowly worked through the blob of thread and backtracked to correct the tangle.

I noticed the peace of having time; I wasn’t rushed.  I am mending in many ways and part of the progress is attributed to my new retirement season.  While I still may get tangled in my own path, the blessing of a slower pace helps me unwind.  I’m blessed to be a writer who wears a few less hats.

Just a few thoughts today: take care my dear family and friends!

MT Penny

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