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  • Writer's pictureMT Penny

The Plate Awaits

Hello Hatters,

Have you ever been so hungry that you ordered hors d'oeuvres before considering the whole menu? Recently, a friend of mine and I went shopping and we became famished. We went to a restaurant and looked straight away for something fast. The waiter accepted our order and then brought plates, silverware, and napkins. Drinks were coming, too.

As my stomach growled, I thought about this plate.

The dish represented anticipation. I often look up familiar words in hopes of finding treasures. When I googled the definition of anticipation, my favorite choice was a “pleasant expectancy”. I was grateful for that phrase as it described my exact feeling while we waited for our food and drink.

There’s something about being hungry…

This description means more than just waiting for food. For example, I have a hunger in my soul for my new chapter that will start soon. There’s no dread of what will come. I’m grateful for the recent u-turn which helps me look forward to each awakening. I’m a writer who wears many hats just like you, and I see messages in many things, even expectant plates. Such possibilities!

Will today be sweet with sugar or as spicy as a taco? In truth, each day brings much flavor. I have ingredients to combine into life’s recipes. Through God’s many graces, I’ll bring hope, smiles, and my appetite into the moments ahead.

I’ll lay these and other attitudes out each day, just like a plate that awaits…

MT Penny

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